Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Brave New World...or things that make me sick....

Pregnancy has brought radical change to our household.  My husband is working longer hours and I'm not working any at all.  Well, that is not entirely true.  I'm not working outside the house, but I have quite a few projects that I am working on. 

My picture perfect goals have jumped track.  That is not a bad thing, just means that I have to do a major realignment.  That and wash the dishes.  OMG, do I have morning sickness or what?!  Between bouts of nausea, I applied as an editor at BellaOnline and submitted my first article at Constant Content.  If you are a writer and haven't checked out that site, stop what you are doing and go right now.  Pushy, ain't I?

The accounting goals are temporarily on the back burner.  My husband wants me to be a stay-at-home mom.  That is fine with me, but I have to DO something.  So, this is the perfect opportunity for me to concentrate on my writing.  The first drafts of which I'm doing longhand.  Why?  I'm glad you asked.  Let me refer you to the list of things that make me sick:

1. Being on the computer for longer than ten minutes - must be something with my sensitive inner ear, weird
2. Almost all meat - apparently the little tyke is a vegetarian, thanks
3. Pears - huh?
4. Smells - this runs in the family, my Papa says that my Nana can still smell the frankincense and myrhh from the first Christmas
5. Being in a car - inner ear
6. Lying down - indigestion
7. Standing up - ?
8. Eating
9. Not eating
10. blah, blah, blah

Oh, the joys of the first trimester.  I've heard that it gets better around week 14.  I'm in week 8 *sobs unconsolably*.  I'm such a wussy.

But, I am very grateful for this baby, nauseaus vegetarian and all.

On the upside, both reading and writing take my mind off of everything else, so I'm doing a lot more of each.  Happy Thursday, everyone!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Have you ever heard the saying, "if you don't want something to happen, don't write it down"?  It is a favorite of me Dad's.  You might have wondered why I put down mother as one of my goals in the last post. 

My husband and I have wanted children since we got married almost six years ago.  We've been tested and prodded and I have taken fertility pills to no avail.  I actually was starting to enjoy the idea of being childless.  Well, not completely childless.  I have a step-daughter, Lil Bit, that rocks my world.  She isn't with us full-time, though, and I was starting to enjoy the idea of not adding to the brood (although, I hadn't given up, just accepted). 

Well, if you've been wondering where I've been...I've had morning sickness.  ALL.  DAY.  LONG. 

We changed our diet the day after Thanksgiving to a low-carbish system.  Then next month...BAM!  So, I was already preggers when I wrote my last post.  I just thought it was funny.  I've never written mother as a goal before and then this happens.  I got a kick out of it. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've been thinking about how full my goal list is.  Become an accountant, real-estate developer, novelist, mother, invent know, the usual.  When the goal list is as crowded as this, where do you find the time to make progress on them all? 

Sliders.  No, not the little hamburgers, you're on your New Year's diet, anyway.  I'm talking about little things you can slide into your day. 

Take my list, for example.  I am learning to become an accountant.  That is taking up the main bulk of my discretionary time.  But, every couple of days I log onto Craigslist and to check the housing prices in my target area.  I'm not at the point where I have the time or money to achieve my goal of becoming a real-estate developer on the Gulf Coast.  I can, however, build my knowledge of the subject.  This way, when the time comes for me to move to the coast, I have knowledge of housing trends over several years and am ahead of the game.

I also have the goal of becoming a published author.  I don't have a good solid chunk of time to spend every day in pursuit of this goal, but I can slide it in between other tasks.  Tonight is the once-a-month meeting of the sci-fi writing group at the local bookstore.  My husband has an errand he has to run on that side of town and I'm getting him to drop me off and come pick me back up when he is done.  Two hours from the time I leave the house until I return.  My time budget can spare that once a month.  I just slide it right in.  It is not a big commitment, but it keeps the goal alive and anchored in my mind.

I also try to keep a notepad and a book with me wherever I go.  The book is for filling my word well and the notebook is for fishing from it.  I can do either in ten minute increments throughout the day.  Traffic was unusually light and I got to work ten minutes early.  Great, I pull out my notebook and jot down a bit of dialogue that has been bouncing around my head or a topic for the next blog post.  The line at the deli is super long?  Great, I read a chapter in my book and turn a frustrating situation into a step forward. 

Because I have limited time, I try to leverage my sliders for maximum benefit.  I want the activity to accomplish one of three things.
1. build connections with others with similar goals - support is critical in goal-achievement (writing groups, or supporting a fellow blogger)
2. builds knowledge (reading books and blogs on target subject, doing a bit of homework, studying target market)
3. concrete production (writing that is project specific, taking a certification exam - *I have one that is going to take 45 minutes online, that I have to squeeze in sometime in the next week*)

As for cold-fusion, there is a documentary on Tesla that I've been meaning to watch.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Book List

In a blatant rip-off of Lt. Cccyxx over at Skullcrusher Mt., I'm starting a "Books I've Read This Year" list.  I was trying to do it on Shelfari, but it is too many hoops to jump through.  If you notice, the over-achieving bastard already has a book on his list for 2010.  I've got about five going now, but the current favorite is Sword in the Storm by David Gemmell.  If I ever finish it, it will be posted where my Shelfari used to be.  That is all.

Hello 2010!

I am so excited about this new year.  Not that I hated 2009, but growing pains are, well, painful.  I did, however, make significant progress towards my MAG.  I refined what i wanted my life to look like and made measurable steps.

My husband and I live in New York, and will for the next seven years.  That is when my step-daughter, Lil' Bit, graduates high school.  The plan is to then move to Bay St. Louis, MS, where we will be self-employed accountants and renovate houses.  We will work crazy hours Feb-Apr and go to the beach every day in the summer.  Then we will drive into New Orleans for the weekends for the best food and partying in the world. 

When Katrina hit, all but five hundred of the eight thousand housed in Bay St. Louis were destroyed.  The community has made great strides in recuperating.  There has been reconstruction, but it is going slowly.  We want to contribute to the revival.  There will still be many opportunities, in seven years, for us to make a difference.

To that end, we accomplished several things in 2009.  My husband enrolled in a one-year accounting program.  I enrolled in a bookkeeping certificate program and income tax preparation class.  I have passed all the tests for the bookkeeping class.  I have only my graduation project to complete.  I completed the income tax class and made some great new friends in the process.  I was also offered (and accepted) a position for the tax season.

In 2009, I complete my first short story ever.  Well, amend that...I finished the first draft of my first short story ever.  I've started many, many stories.  My internal editor always sabatoged me after a few pages.  But, I managed to put an entire story to paper.  Beginning, middle, and end.  I also started this here blog, pardner.

Now for 2010.  As I've mentioned, I don't make huge resolutions.  I take this time to realign my goals, if I need to.  Well, as the preposition at the end of the last sentence might have led you to believe, I need to better my grammar.  I have a bright, shiny new grammar book waiting for me.  I will be placing it by my bedside. 

Also, I'm not going to resolve to go to the gym every day.  I currently make it every two weeks.  I know, I'm lazy.  So, I think reasonable improvement would be once a week.  I am a bartender and that is a physically active position.  So, the situation is not as dire as it would appear.  But, these flabby arms are that dire. 

I resolve not to freak out on customers during tax season.  Okay, that might be unreasonable.  I resolve not to freak out and use obscenities.  I will finish my bookkeeping certificate and enroll in the one-year accounting program.  I will also rewrite and submit my story.

Not too much.  All realistic and attainable.  More importantly, all move me closer to the life I want to lead.

So, hello 2010! And Happy New Year to you all.