Friday, January 1, 2010

Book List

In a blatant rip-off of Lt. Cccyxx over at Skullcrusher Mt., I'm starting a "Books I've Read This Year" list.  I was trying to do it on Shelfari, but it is too many hoops to jump through.  If you notice, the over-achieving bastard already has a book on his list for 2010.  I've got about five going now, but the current favorite is Sword in the Storm by David Gemmell.  If I ever finish it, it will be posted where my Shelfari used to be.  That is all.


Lt. Cccyxx said...

A list is a good way to keep track - I know that if I didn't make a list there's no way I'd remember what I'd read. And I kind of cheated - I finished the first book I listed for 2010 at about 10 pm on December 31. I just decided to credit it to 2010 to start off the year strong.

April W said...

Yeah, I read that after I posted. I have about five books that I started and put down for various reasons. So, that is kinda cheaty to say I "read" them in 2010. More like I finished them.